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19.07.2007 21:44 - Мой стар постинг за Виетнам
Автор: eti Категория: Туризъм   
Прочетен: 2079724 Коментари: 242 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 25.09.2007 22:38

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в Blog.bg

Единственият оцелял от предишните ми постинги. Най-после намерих време да го поразкрася, за да е по-приятен за четене...

Сигурно знаете доста или поне сте гледали американските филми за войната там, но ще ми бъде приятно да споделя с вас едно пътуване, което остави трайна следа у мен. Това беше през януари 2001 г. След 14-часов полет, не е чак толкова страшно да стоиш като затворник на едно място, стига да имаш резервни обувки при кацането, в противен случай рискуваш да не можеш да си обуеш своите, кацаме в Ханой. Летището е голямо и просторно, не толкова чисто като нашето, но стоките са евтини и некачествени. Краят на следобеда отмира, навън е влажно и горещо. Таксито е голяма таратайка (като повечето жени не обръщам внимание на марката на автомобила, затова и не мога да ви кажа какви коли преобладават там), шофьорът кара сравнително бързо по прашния път, а прахът влиза през прозорците. Седнала съм като изстукана, без да се облегна назад, първо, защото е страшно горещо и имам чувството, че ще се залепя за облегалката и второ, защото очаквам всеки момент да сгазим някого. Не сме с повече от 50 км в час, но все едно, че хвърчим и като по чудо се разминаваме с безбройните пешеходци и колоездачи. Шофьорът натиска клаксона постоянно и непрекъснато, луд да станеш от пибипкането му. Междувпрочем всички правят така. Докато се притеснявах за хората, които подминавахме, едва успявах да се насладя на гледката от безкрайните ширнали се полета, разпарчосани по равно парцелчета, засяти с царевица, картофи и ориз, останалите треви не ги разпознах.


Прашен жълтеникав път сред хиляди нюанси на зеленото... Тук-таме наведени селскостопански работници работеха с дървени рала и крави. Ето, че пристигам в страна, за която нищо не знам. Бях чувала, че виетнамците в София се хранят с кучета и бях гледала няколко филма от сорта на "Рамбо", в които американският войник е във всички случаи герой... И толкоз. Какво ми направи впечатление на първо място? Беднотията - тя се набиваше на очи, накъдето и да погледнех... Дрипави хлапета, мръсни, стари велосипеди и мотоциклети, оръфани разпръснати постройки, които се срещаха по-нагъсто с навлизане в старата столица - Ханой. Първата мисъл, която ми мина през ума е, че нещо извънредно се е случило и всички хора са на улицата и не могат или не искат да си влязат по къщите. Но явлението бе така масово и всички така спокойно се занимаваха, всеки със задачата си, че скоро разбрах, че това е валидно за целия град. Просто населението живее на улицата. Цяло семейство се храни на малки столчета (от тези червените пластмасови детски столчета, даже никъде не видях големи столове) на малка масичка насред тротоара, между купчини евтини стоки или боклук. До тях е котлонче с тиган, където жената е приготвила вечерята. Едни си почиват, други се подстригват сред тези почернели, олющени, нависнали от пране сгради, аха готови да паднат. От всички страни се носи смрад - смог от милионите мотоциклетисти. Шумът е впечатлавящ, пречи ти дори да мислиш.


Не са малко дърветата, но явно и те като хората са привикнали да оцеляват при такива условия. Едва си проправях път по улиците, постоянно се налагаше да прескачам някой заспал, разпрострял се или да заобикалалям безкрайните редички от овехтели велосипеди и моторчета. Ако трябва да ви предам символично Виетнам - бих нарисувала една дребна съсухрена женица на неопределена възраст, носеща на рамото си кобилица с две натежали от портокалови пирамиди везни. На всяка крачка ги срещах и се питах при това изобилие от портокали накъде ли ги носят... (Ще се отклоня малко. Струва ми се, че много се отплеснах. Толкова много неща искам да разкажа, но ще стане дълго и отегчително. Няма да пиша нищо за историята, само ще спомена две думи, няма да пиша и за всички интересни детайли. Ще се спра само на това, което най-много ме е впечатлило.) Нямах дълъг престой в Ханой. След като почти не мигнах през нощта, тъй като посред нощ започнаха да изливат асфалт на улицата пред хотела, на другия ден се разходих около езерото в центъра на града. На островче в единия край на езерото се намира Храма на Нефритения връх - култово място, посветено на националния им герой Тран Хунг Дао. Посетих мумията на Хо Ши Мин и затвора, сега превърнат в музей, където французите са затваряли всички противници на колониализма. Вечерта обаче бях на културно мероприятие - традиционен театър, представление с марионетки. Повече от половината публика спеше. Само чужденците се правехме на културни. Но си заслужаваше все пак въпреки скуката и кошмарната музика, защото това им изкуство датира от 11-ти век. На следващия ден се записах на тур. Малко си беше рисковано да тръгвам съвсем сама, като се има предвид техният английски, но се успокоявах, че с мен имаше две германки, един американец и един австралиец. Сред всички тези жълти, почти ги чувствах като роднини. Както предния ден, движението по улиците беше хаотично и пронизващо шумно. Огромно кръгло кръстовище, с няколко вливащи се артерии, от всички страни преливат армии от мотоциклетисти, тук там някоя кола и чернило от велосипеди, плюс пешеходци и всичко това, представете си, без наличието от един светофар или знак за предимство. Ако не бях шофьор, сигурно щеше да ми е по-лесно. Пот ми изби докато поехме по по-целенасочен път. Забравих да кажа, че се движехме с бусче, в което от климатика започнаха да ми тракат зъбите и постоянно гледах в краката си, където упорито кръжаха комари. Въпреки, че бях пила необходимите лекарства против малария, все пак внимавах. Извън града движението стана относително по-спокойно. Целта беше прословутият Халонг Бей. По средата на пътуването спряхме за почивка. Ресторантче и магазини за сувенири очакваха лакомо оскъдните ( в този момент) туристи, а до тях бе прилепено училище по ръкоделие, в което работеха предимно деца. Момчета и момичета на всякаква възраст шиеха гоблени, покривки и блузки. Къртовски труд и вадене на очи за стока, която европейците купуваха на смешни цени. По обяд стигнахме до Залива Тонкин.

image Каква гледка се откри пред очите ми в края на тура - в далечината леко замъглени се очертаваха множество острови, по-скоро конусообразни, с ниска растителност, а някои сред тях скалисти. Красиво, но честно да си кажа, не усетих в себе си прилив на желание да ги разгледам отблизо. Може би, защото са необитаеми, а мен ме привличат хората. След обяд с неизвестно съдържание в крейбрежно ресторантче се качихме на корабче, което ни разходи между тях. От време на време до нас се доближаваше рибарска лодка, от която ни предлагаха жива риба и октоподи. На връщане посетихме чудесно осветена в разноцветни нюанси пещера. Там гидът се осмели да ме заговори и изрази искрено учудване какво прави сама жена на подобен тур. Как ме бил пуснал мъжът ми! След моето кратко обяснение, че жените в Европа имаме пълното право да се разхождаме като туриститки, без бодигардове до себе си, той вдигна безразлично рамене и каза "Аз ако имам жена, никога няма да я пусна!"

На връщане се беше стъмнило. Пътят ми се струваше още по-опасен, защото нямаше никакви светлини. Къщите, покрай които минавахме бяха по-бедни и от тези в Ханой. В тъмницата едва ги различавах. Всъщност долавях смътно в мрака къщичка (най-често) на един етаж с една голяма стая без мебели или почти без мебели (входните врати бяха все отворени широко), но непременно с телевизор и тук-таме с бюфет. Синкавата светлина на телевизора придаваше още по-зловещ вид на самотната сред почернялото поле обител. Много потискащо ми подейства това завръщане. От време на време обаче се бялваха по-заможни къщи, боядисани в радостните розово, бяло, синьо и зелено. Високи на 3/4 етажа, сплеснати отстрани, с големи балкони единствено отпред, отстрани никакви прозорци, само стена.


На другата сутрен преди заминаването за следващия град посетихме музея на войната.

Виетнам се ражда около 200 години преди Христа. Малко след това е прикрепен към китайската империя, а първата национална династия датира от около 900 г. след Христа. Следват няколко династии и Китай отново го превзема. Извоюва независимост през 15-ти век. Католицизмът се разпространява посредством ордена на йезуитите и френските мисии. След вътрешни междуособици страната е обединена през 19-ти век. Много накратко споменавам тези факти, за да стигна до френското господство. Всички знаем, че Франция е била голям колонизатор, но не съм предполагала, че французите са били толкова жестоки. Тези префинени любезни франсета, чийто език е езикът на любовта, са рязали виетнамци на парчета и насила са карали населението да купува месото им, насипано в плетени кошове... Музеят се оказа доста богат на исторически материал. На снимките се виждаха мършави мъже и жени, въоръжени с колове и селски сечива. Войната естествено навсякъде е еднакво жестока, затова няма да се спирам повече на музея. Следващият град - Хюе.

image Най-старата столица - град с по-голямо съдържание на кислород във въздуха. Заобиколен от гори.. тук също обаче жените са с кърпи на устата заради прашните улици. Крайпътните дървета и храсти са покрити с прах и всичко е доста мръсно. Направи ми впечатление, че возещите се на мотоциклетите никога не се държаха. А понякога се виждаха мъж, жена и две деца, накачулени, нали са дребнички... Този, който е зад шофьора никога не го е прихванал през кръста. Дори децата не се държат. Никъде не видях някой да милва някого или влюбени да се разхождат или целуват. Продължаваха да ме зяпат с любопитство, поради факта, че се движех сама. Гидът ми обясни, че това е необичайно за тях. Мислех си тогава какво би представлявал животът на една жена сама, без съпруг или без подкрепата на родители. Как България, откакто я знам, никога не е била в такова окаяно състояние и дали ние българите бихме оцелели след такива тежки изпитания. Средната заплата на месец (2001 г.) е 50 долара. Късно вечерта бе организирана разходка по Парфюмената река, наречена така, ако не се лъжа, заради уханието на растителността по бреговете й. В лодката имаше цял оркестър и три певици. Пуснахме запалени свещи по реката за щастие. На другия ден посетихме Гробницата на Кай Дин,


не ни позволиха да снимаме, купихме си картички. Императорът я построява още преживе ( в края на феодализма), богатството е разграбено от колонизаторите. Изобщо всички исторически забележителности бяха в окаяно състояние поради липса на средства. Прескачам детайлите, които могат да се прочетат в някоя туристическа брошура и ще спомена за невероятно вкусния обяд от пърлено пиле с ядки от лотус, смокини със скариди и свинско и торта с ананас. Истински френски обяд по виетнамски, в изискан ресторант с градина, където си представях разглезените французи, обслужвани от работливите виетнамски мравчици. През 1954 г. според Женевското споразумение страната е разделена на две. Южната част е република, подпомагана от американците, със столица Сайгон. Северната част, със столица Ханой става демократическа република, ръководена от Хо Ши Мин. През 1960 г. се създава Национален фронт за освобождение на Южен Виетнам. Настъпва период на политическа анархия и конфликти между будисти и католици. 1965 г. американците навлизат директно във войната на страната на Южен Виетнам. Спирам за малко с историята, за да се върна на моето пътуване.

Следваща цел - Сайгон или град Хо Ши Мин. Съвсем различна гледка. Много повече автомобили, още по-голяма смрад. По-топло и по-задушно е.


По-големи сгради, дори небостъргачи, но видях една жена как си свали най-спокойно гащите до една ограда и се изпика. Улицата беше голяма и сравнително цивилизована. Имаше даже супермаркет! Тук обаче музеят на войната направо ме порази! Видях бомба - 6,8 тона с 5,7 тона експлозив, разрушаваща всичко в радиус от 100 м и нанасяща поражения над 3,2 км в диаметър. По време на тригодишната Корейска война са използвани 6 35 000 бомби. През Втората Световна война 2 057 244 бомби, а във Виетнам за десетина години - 7 850 000! Убитите са 3 милиона, ранените 4 милиона, а 2 милиона са засегнатите от химическите оръжия. 500 000 деца са били с деформации. Снимките бяха потресаващи. Виетнамците са били жестоко изтезавани и убивани. Излязох разбита оттам, дори не мога да ви предам точно чувството си, просто бях смазана...Ще си позволя да сложа само снимката на момиченце, пострадало от войната, която обиколи света.


На другия ден потеглих към единственото място в света, където се изповядва каоизъм. Храм във всички цветове на дъгата, нашарен като великденско яйце, без прозорци, просторен и светъл.


Символът на тази религия е окото, през което се стига до сърцето. Вярват в един Бог и приемат всички подобни религии, между които и християнската. Смятат, че човек се отървава от пороците си едва след смъртта. На входа имаше надпис, който казваше, че Бог директно е говорил с трима простосмъртни - един китаец, ръководител на революционно движение, един виетнамец, не разбрах какъв и третият е... Виктор Юго! Ах, този Виктор Юго, този гений! (Но това е друга тема) Пуснаха ни да вървим само отстрани, като един монах неотлъчно ни следваше. Бях по потник, но ме накараха да се заметна с жилетката си, въпреки адската жега! Заради деколтето или голите ми ръце, не знам. Наблюдавахме церемония, която се провежда на всеки 6 часа. Молят се. Жените влизат отляво, мъжете отдясно. По продължение на храма има девет нива-стъпала, като всяко от тях отговаря на различна степен на пречистване. Основателят на религията е изрисуван на трон, зад главата му 3 змии олицетворяват добродетелите, а в краката - 4 змии - пороците. Последователите влизат в редичка по един като всеки заема строго определено място, симетрично.... За обяд хапнах гущер, нали съм си любопитна по природа. Не беше лошо и не се покрих с люспи. Помня, че собственикът се оплакваше от социалистическото управление... Гвоздеят обаче беше следобеда - тунелите Ку Ши.(Cu chi) Имало ги е още по време на френската окупация, като тогава са били едва 70 км дълги. При американците достигат 200 км.


Навлязохме в гора, особена, тиха, като мъртва, с утъпкани пътеки. Гореща. И там в тази гора разбрах как този народ печели войната - с невероятната си решителност. Създал е уникална подземна конструкция, която с нищо досега видяно не може да се сравни. Купчина шума, гидът я разравя и отдолу блесва капак - тунел, в който се вмъкваме, като свиваме максимално рамене. Блъсва ни задушлива горещина от сауна, в която водата отдавна е свършила. Тесен проход, в който се придвижваме само патешката, след нас няма начин да не е оставала мокра следа... Тунелите са разширени за туристите, а преди само виетнамци са можели да се вмъкват. Огромните американци често са били заклещвани. Веднъж влезли в подземните скривалища са се натъквали на прикрити бамбукови колове, на които са се нанизвали. Рядко са успявали да излязат обратно. Тунилите са на три нива, до 15 м дълбочина. Имало е места за почивка, за събрания, за укриване, кухня със специални четири камери за отвеждане на дима, далеч от тунела. Специални отвори за въздух. Копани са с кирки и пръстта е изхвърляна с бамбукови кошове, на всеки петнадесетина метра на повърхността се забелязват малки могилки. Операционна зала с изложени инструменти, команден пункт със зала за съвещания. Командирът в случай на нужда се е укривал през един от многобройните изходи. Изкопани са и кладенци на 50 м дълбочина. Американците са търсили входовете на тунелите с помощта на немски овчарки. За да не ги открият кучетата, виетнамците са посипвали отводните места с пипер или американски сапун. Тези, които не са можели да понасят подземния живот, са излизали и са били залавяни и при мъченията са издавали входовете на тунелите, но единствено главнокомандващият е разполагал с цялата информация за тунелите. В една от кухните ни почерпиха с чай и тапиока - храната на партизаните. Когато излязохме от тунела видяхме изложени различните капани, които виетнамците са изработвали в тунелите. Генерал Уестмореланд, главнокомандващ американските военни сили във Виетнам, казал по онова време, че висшите офицери не би трябвало да спят спокойно докато тунелите не са разрушени. Американски журналист заявява пред Асошиейтед Прес, че тунелите са невиждано техническо съоръжение. На квадратен метър в тази местност са падали по 25/30 парчета от бомби.Недалеч от това място е построен храм-мемориал с изписаните имена на 45 000 виетнамски войници, загинали в името на обединяването на Виетнам, с изглед към река Сайгон - за да напомня може би за вечни времена, че тунелите са минавали под реката и че в отсрещната гора войниците са се криели при нужда. За съюза между човека и природата и за вярата може би, че с постоянство и решителност всичко се постига... В заключение само още няколко изречения. По улиците на Сайгон имаше много просяци. Често се виждаха хора мръсни, бедни, с ампутирани крайници, със следи по душите и телата от войната. Протягаха ръка с усмивка и никой не се оозъби, никой не наруга, не видах омраза в очите на минувачите...


На връщане шофьорът на таксито попита откъде сме... Като чу България, широко се усмихна и каза "А, България, браво, браво , Христо Стоичков". След малко ни попита какво става с Митко Бомбата, сещаше се с умиление за "На всеки километър..." и като му казахме, че е починал, заклати тъжно глава...

Тагове:   мой,   виетнам,   постинг,


Следващ постинг
Предишен постинг

1. анонимен - извинявай ама ...
19.07.2007 22:44
здрасти не съм ти Чел постинга ... започна интригуващо и като видях колко е дълаг и се отказах ... може би в някой друг живот ще го прочетат повече от 10 човека...
2. stealth - O.k.
19.07.2007 23:35
Много добре написано.Изключително.
3. анонимен -
20.07.2007 02:01
Шибни некоя снимка.
4. juliannikolov - Изключително интересен постинг!
20.07.2007 09:20
Научих много за тази страна от него. Благодаря!
5. voinyt - SAMOTNIQT_VOIN
21.07.2007 11:04
Аз пък го прочетох, макар да се затормозих малко с дребният шрифт и ти благодаря за поста. Не че има нещо ново и непознато в него, но е увлекателен.
6. comfy - Много
22.07.2007 14:55
Благодаря ти!!!

Поздрави! :)
7. анонимен - Върнахте ме към спомените..
23.07.2007 11:04
Върнахте ме към спомените ми от преди 27 години. В далечната 1984 работих 3 месеца там(в Северен Виетнам) и от поста Ви разбирам че почти нищо не се е променило. Имали сте късмет с времето-януари. Представа нямате какъв ужасен е климатът там през юни-август. По онова време пътние знаци бяха от бетон-ламаринените ги крадяха. Дали е още така?
Благодаря Ви отново. Имам снимки от онова време, в т.ч. и Залива Халонг, само че са черно-бели.
8. zero - Благодаря Ети!
23.07.2007 11:57
Помня ти постингите от преди година и половина - мисля, че бяха три за Виетнам. Усмихнат ден.
9. eti - Благодаря ви за вниманието,
23.07.2007 19:46
това ми пътуване беше изключително обогатяващо и ми се искаше да го споделя с повече хора. Снимки не можах да сваля, а ги лепнах открая на текста линковете, но доста несполучливо и после не успях да го коригирам. Приятна вечер на всички!
10. анонимен - Можеш ли..
24.07.2007 12:02
Можеш ли да пуснеш малко от снимките някъде в нета? Бих ти дал E-mail адреса си, но става твърде нахално.
Анонимен 8
11. анонимен - SAMOTNIQT_VOIN
25.07.2007 12:44
@11 Естествено, че става нахално. Дръж си езика зад зъбите ако не искаш да ти играя една щанга. Или да те освиткам кат бат' ти Рамбо, кога се мотаеше по Хо Ши Мин. Ети си ми е стара бройчица, доло лапите!!
12. eti - :-))))))
25.07.2007 13:54
С удоволствие ще го направя някой ден, просто време нямам...
13. eti - С доста закъснение слагам снимки,
24.09.2007 23:33
но поне вече знам ксак става, благодарение на коментарите ви!
14. анонимен - 23683
12.10.2008 11:28
15. анонимен - Поздрави от Виетнам
20.03.2011 06:25
Аз съм Виетнамка, благодаря Ви много за Ваши добри спомени към моята страна. Искам да Ви попитам дали мога да лепна този пост на мой блог да го споделя с повече бившите виетнамски студенти, учаващи в България преди.
16. анонимен - виетнам
20.03.2011 09:56
разбира се, че можете
с най-приятелски чувства
17. анонимен - Very Bad Trip 2, vous en pensez quoi?
16.07.2011 04:36
Il est enorme ce film non?
J'ai trop kiffer, sinon je viens decouvrir un super site sur bangkok, enfin bali mais c'est pareil on s'amuse bien lа bas...

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Et vous very bad trip 2 vous en avez pense quoi ???
18. eti - film
09.10.2011 11:12
desolee, je ne l ai pas vu ce film
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11.10.2011 01:52
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12.10.2011 03:49
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28. анонимен - Backlinks are the energetic hyperlinks that talk for your internet site.
18.10.2011 11:36
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29. анонимен - Fler paketresor till Bangkok paketresor
19.10.2011 00:59
Koh Chang kan vara en omr&#229;de nation. Det finns massor av attraktioner n&#228;ra Thailand. Detta mark runt n&#229;gon resen&#228;rens lista &#246;ver platser! Bangkok, Phuket och Ut&#246;ver Pattaya &#228;r de tre viktigaste f&#246;rknippad med Thailand paketresor. Det finns m&#229;nga killar talrika sp&#228;nnande Thailand paketresor. Alla har en mycket h&#246;ga ljus om dem, oavsett om det v&#228;rdet eller den &#229;tg&#228;rder <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor/langkawi>Langkawi paketresor</a> =) Detta f&#246;ljande skulle vara f&#246;rknippad med att vara hade av ett hett ryttare. Du kan v&#228;lja fr&#229;n dessa typer av olika paket rapporteras av vill och gillar. Dessa saker blir att paketresor &#228;r j&#228;tte bra.

A Extremt Saver paketet att vara hade av den Personal. Det &#228;r bland de b&#228;sta Thailand paket som finns. I paketet varaktighet kan vara f&#246;r timmar och 5 olika dagar plus h&#228;nder till skivor 19, 500 varje person. Du ska f&#229; lov r&#246;r 2 g&#229;nger var under Ut&#246;ver Pattaya. En tillbaka inne elegans &#228;r stanna i bekv&#228;mlighet. Du kommer att hamna f&#246;r din Omr&#229;de runt plus en Tid stad turn&#233; &#228;r fast f&#246;r inom Bangkok. Boende &#228;r definitivt Fr&#229;n samband med st&#228;llen att bo. L&#228;s lite till f&#246;r: <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor/oman>Oman resor</a>.

En annan s&#228;rskiljande att kunna tillsammans med Phuket &#228;r ocks&#229; den ge. Detta paket &#228;r gjord f&#246;r 5 natten och vissa dagar och de pengar som beh&#246;vs f&#246;r paketet h&#228;nder till skivor trettio, f&#246;r varje person. Dig redo till praktisk erfarenhet den uppfriskande nattliv med och &#228;ven inom dess urbana livsstil <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor>resor paket</a> livsstilen. Du kommer att spendera 3 hela samt 2 timmar i Bangkok. F&#246;rmodligen den mest effektiva Thailand kollin, markera p&#229; en 5 legend runt Bangkok. Hemresa biljetter &#228;r mycket.

Thailand och landets magiska framtoning kan vara namn f&#246;r andra paketet det &#228;r definitivt presenterade. Detta paket varaktighet &#228;r bra f&#246;r timmar och 5 olika dagar. Det Erbjudanden kundanpassade Thailand paket d&#228;r du kan f&#229; f&#246;r att v&#228;lja din individuella <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor/new-york>New York paketresor</a> till turn&#233;n.

Alla dessa inf&#246;rliva frukost &#229;terv&#228;nda biljetter bokas och de &#228;r &#228;ven inkluderar avgifter. :p En Alcazar visar &#228;r definitivt extra attraktion erbjuds i Pattaya. En Safariutflykt samt en Marine Park p&#229; Bangkok &#228;r ocks&#229; ing&#229; i resv&#228;g. Boende &#228;r definitivt i samband med i och Pattaya g&#246;ra din vistelse sk&#246;na.

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30. анонимен - Are you wanting for a faxless payday loan?
19.10.2011 12:24
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The easiest technique to steer clear of potential problems is to target on building and a great credit score or setting aside income in an surprising unexpected emergency fund. When all else fails, you are in a position to even now rely on an simple payday loans to assist you through right up until the following paycheck.
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Сферы бизнеса, в которых полезно использование виртуальных туров и 3D панорам:
<b>Виртуальные туры - применительно к Недвижимости</b.> НЕДВИЖИМОСТЬ(продажа аренда квартир, домов, офисов) - создание панорамных фото даст возможность увидеть месторасположения и интерьер интересующих объектов и не выходя из офиса позволит отобрать наиболее приемлемые варианты сэкономив время и деньги на поездках.Это наиболее актуально для желающих приобрести дома в другом городе или стране.
<b>Виртуальны туры - для туризма</b>. ТУРИЗМ ( возможность посмотреть предпологаемое область отдыха) - виртуальный тур позволит путешественнику детально увидеть не только интерьер предлагемых номеров и домов,но и территорию, оценить преимущества, сделать пару шагов к понравившемуся курорту.
<b>Виртуальные туры - для Гостиниц</b>. ГОСТИННИЦЫ, РЕСТОРАНЫ, НОЧНЫЕ КЛУБЫ, САНАТОРИИ БАЗЫ ОТДЫХА, ТОРГОВО-РАЗВЛЕКАТЕЛЬНЫЕ КОМПЛЕКСЫ (наличие возможности увидеть интерьер и территорию) . Виртуальный тур позволит не просто просмотерть интерьерные решения, а так же и проникнуться настроением места, а комментариии и звук ,ненавязчиво сопровождающие зрителя,однозначно вызовут позыв посетить ваше заведение.
<b>Виртуальные туры для Фитнессклубов</b>. ФИТНЕССКЛУБЫ, СПОРТКОМПЛЕКСЫ,БАССЕЙНЫ ( способность рассмотреть интерьер и спортинвентарь.)
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<b>Виртуальные туры для университетов, школ, детских садов</b>. УНИВЕРСИТЕТЫ,ШКОЛЫ, ДЕТСКИЕ САДЫ ( ознакомление абитуриентов и их родителей с будущим местом учебы). Не всегда есть возможность оказаться внутри учебного заведения тогда , когда это удобно абитуриенту. Виртуальное путешествие дает возможность ознакомиться с расположением кабинетов, аудиторий и их оснащением наперед и в любое время суток.
<b>Виртуальные туры для музеев, галлерей, выставок</b>. МУЗЕИ, ГАЛЛЕРЕИ, ВЫСТАВКИ. Панорамные фото, и 3D объекты, позволят ознакомиться с экспонатами через любое расстояние и рассмотреть благодаря возможности приближения под любыми ракурсами и в малейших деталях.
<b>Виртуальные туры и ладшафтный дизайн, парки, зоопарки</b>. ЛАНДШАФТНЫЙ ДИЗАЙН, ПАРКИ, ЗООПАРКИ ( панорамные фото природы либо отдельных объектов). Здесь использование виртуальных прогулок оправдано не только с коммерческой точки зрения. Прогуляться дождливой осенью по летнему ботаническому саду или холодной зимой в цветущем парке. Эту возможность поможет реализовать именно виртуальная прогулка.
<b>Виртуальные туры для городов и городских администраций</b>. ГОРОДСКИЕ АДМИНИСТРАЦИИ ( возможны виртуальные экскурсии и осмотр достопримечательностей). Практически неограниченные возможности для ознакомления туристов и самих горожан с достопримечательностями города, с месторасположением интересующих обьектов, дорогами, парками. Заранее просмотрев виртуальную экскурсию оператор будет увереннее чувствовать себя в городе.
<b>Виртуальные туры для автосалонов</b>. АВТОСАЛОНЫ ( можно просмотреть автомобиль или другое транспортное средство и предварительно выбрать). Панорамное фото траснспортного средства , позволит оптимизировать его подбор и ощутимо сэкономить время.

<a href=http://corp2.net>Примеры <b>виртуальных туров</b>, <b>виртуальных панорам</b> и <b>3D-объектов</b> можно просмотреть по адресу: http://pano.corp2.net</a>
<a href=http://corp2.net>Разработка сайтов и реклама в интернет: http://corp2.net</a>
<a href=http://books.corp2.net>Интересные книги по разным тематикам: http://books.corp2.net</a>

Другие темы:
<a href=http://dorinbud.com.ua>Асфальтирование дорог: http://dorinbud.com.ua/</a>
<a href=http://energya-swo.com.ua>Насосы, техника для водо-снабжения: http://energya-swo.com.ua/</a>
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27.10.2011 14:42
When you get tramadol with a totally free prescription on the internet, it aids in supplying relief from prolonged soreness . Google, the most populated lookup engine on the World wide web, delivers a good promoting resource known as AdWords. On the net Pharmacy is certainly coming into a new era of expense saving measure. In an write-up published in the Journal of Ache, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle mass pain by blocking the activity of a chemical referred to as adenosine. For several men and women, Tramadol is the remedy to staying in a position to dwell a normal everyday existence. You can acquire ache medicines devoid of prescription and at unbelievably lower selling prices so that you can be lured to get medicines with no brand, no credibility and those companies absolutely would not be liable if some thing happened to you. Most of the people today all-around are very suspicious about the penis enlargement drugs. Online Pharmacy is probably entering <a href=http://www.podclass.com/tramadol12/>podclass - tramadol with no prescription needed</a> a new era of cost saving measure. Managing your drugs can be very time consuming. On-line Pharmacy is perhaps coming into a new era of expense conserving measure.

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Google, the most populated research motor on the Internet, gives a great promoting resource known as AdWords. Now you can purchase tramadol on-line to relieve your suffering. In an article printed in the Journal of Soreness, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle mass pain by blocking the activity of a chemical named adenosine. Some restrictions are relevant to discomfort prescription drugs ordered from the web. For many folks, Tramadol is the solution to becoming equipped to dwell a normal <a href=http://cmuenergy.org/wiki/tiki-index.php>read more cmuenergy - buy prescription tramadol online</a> daily life. You have to allow the medication melt in your mouth just before consuming it . When you get tramadol with a no cost prescription on the net, it helps in providing relief from extended soreness . Thousands and thousands of American dwell with discomfort. When you visit the medical doctor, likelihood are you can expect to head to the pharmacy following. A ton of people are now deciding on to acquire tramadol ultram to relieve their suffering difficulties.

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Most of the individuals around are very suspicious about the penis enlargement pills. For several people, Tramadol is the answer to currently being equipped to stay a standard each day existence. Lunesta is a newly unveiled <a href=http://www.picturetrail.com/homepage/tramadol12>click here picturetrail - tramadol online</a> sleeping pill. Tramadol is a managed substance in the opiate loved ones that is employed to deal with persistent pain circumstances. For several people today, Tramadol is the reply to being in a position to reside a normal every day daily life. Now you can acquire tramadol online to alleviate your soreness. Applied as a suffering reliever (specially right after surgical procedure), the FDA approved medicine Tramadol supplies a great support for its buyers. You can buy soreness drugs without prescription and at unbelievably reduce rates so that you can be lured to acquire medicines with no model, no credibility and people corporations absolutely would not be liable if anything took place to you. One can Tramadol from any of the health-related retailers on the doctor's advice. In an report printed in the Journal of Suffering, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle discomfort by blocking the activity of a chemical named <a href=http://www.earthday.org/user/28017>visit earthday - buying tramadol without a prescription</a> adenosine.

Suffering drugs are a authentic boon for folks who are struggling from horrible aches and pains. Lunesta is a newly released sleeping pill. Some limitations are relevant to pain medications ordered from the web. Do you suffer from restless leg syndrome, also recognized as RLS? Tramadol plus is 1 of the most accepted soreness relievers that can be acquired on the web. Tramadol is a controlled substance in the opiate household that is applied to treat long-term pain ailments. To buy Tramadol is the smartest solution to get rid of the constant pain all around the neck triggered by stress soreness. If youre struggling from chronic pains, it really is now better to get instant discomfort relief on line, you can now acquire Tramadol with the help of on-line drug stores. Google, the most populated search engine on the World wide web, delivers a excellent marketing device termed AdWords. In an guide revealed in the Journal of Pain, researchers theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle ache by blocking the activity of a chemical named <a href=http://www.projectweightloss.com/profiles2/137897/>visit projectweightloss - buying tramadol without a prescription</a> adenosine.

You wake up with the nagging pain, problem concentrating and wishing you could just go back again to bed and pull the covers over your head. Managing your drugs can be really time consuming. Utilized as a suffering reliever (specially following surgical treatment), the FDA accepted treatment Tramadol supplies a great service for its consumers. Thousands and thousands of American are living with suffering. In an post published in the Journal of Ache, researchers theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle mass ache by blocking the action of a chemical named adenosine. The physical outcomes of a Tramadol addiction can be severe and they can be prolonged expression. Suffering prescription drugs are a actual boon for individuals who are struggling from horrible aches and pains. Tramadol is utilized to decrease reasonable to reasonably extreme ache. Tramadol proves to be the ideal medication for treating reasonable or serious pain which happens in most parts of the system such as head, joints and so on. At some level in your talking occupation, you may <a href=http://chumsy.com/pg/blog/tramadol12/read/379550/tramadol12>visit chumsy - tramadol</a> have to converse at a conference.

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At some position in your talking occupation, you may well have to speak at a conference. Tramadol proves to be the greatest medicine for treating reasonable or serious ache which occurs in most areas of the system this sort of as head, joints and so on. Do you suffer from restless leg syndrome, also acknowledged as RLS? Migraine headache is a condition that influences females a lot more than males. You have to allow the medication melt in your mouth just before consuming it . Suffering is one this kind of <a href=http://wirelessu.org/users/tramadol12>cheap tramadol - wirelessu</a> issue that all people in this environment would have impacted with. At some point in your talking profession, you may well have to speak at a conference. The physical outcomes of a Tramadol addiction can be severe and they can be extended expression. Ache is 1 this sort of problem that everybody in this world would have affected with. A single can Tramadol from any of the health care merchants on the doctor's suggestion.

Tramadol is a really well-known pain relief treatment. When you go to the medical doctor, odds are you are going to head to the pharmacy up coming. Lunesta is a newly introduced sleeping capsule. Tramadol discomfort medication is very a common soreness relief medicine that is becoming applied worldwide by numerous consumers. Some several years back again individuals <a href=http://energy-healing.info/user/tramadol>energy-healing - tramadol buying</a> went market to buy appliances, foods, medicines and and many others. Discomfort medicines are a real boon for folks who are struggling from horrible aches and pains. Now you can acquire tramadol on the net to relieve your ache. Migraine headache is a issue that influences females more than guys. You have to permit the treatment melt in your mouth prior to consuming it . The modern world is entire of tensions and worries an folks are unable to come across time for themselves.

To acquire or purchase Tramadol one can go to chemist and obtain it. Strain and other emotional aspects are believed to play a important role in very low back again pain, specially long-term minimal back soreness. Tramadol is a controlled substance in the opiate family that is utilized to deal with persistent discomfort <a href=http://tramadol12.webstarts.com/index.html?r=20110924001007>tramadol12 - tramadol without prescription </a> circumstances. We've heard about all the great rewards when acquire tramadol on the web: ideal charges, rapidly FedEx delivery the following day, and straightforward-prescription approval (if any at all). Tramadol represents a single of the greatest analgesic drug which treats reasonable and long-term pain. Lunesta is a newly unveiled sleeping capsule. At some point in your speaking vocation, you might have to talk at a conference. Used as a soreness reliever (in particular after surgical treatment), the FDA accepted treatment Tramadol provides a good support for its buyers. In an write-up published in the Journal of Ache, researchers theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle ache by blocking the exercise of a chemical referred to as adenosine. You have to make it possible for the medicine melt in your mouth in advance of consuming it .

Tramadol proves to be the greatest medication for dealing with reasonable or long-term suffering which occurs <a href=http://www.dontstayin.com/members/tramadol12>buy tramadol no prescription - dontstayin</a> in most components of the human body this sort of as head, joints and so on. Most of the people close to are really suspicious about the penis enlargement pills. The physical outcomes of a Tramadol addiction can be significant and they can be very long expression. The contemporary planet is total of tensions and worries an folks are unable to come across time for themselves. Migraine headache is a affliction that impacts girls more than guys. Do you undergo from restless leg syndrome, also acknowledged as RLS? Millions of American dwell with discomfort. Most of the folks close to are very suspicious about the penis enlargement drugs. If youre struggling from serious pains, it truly is now much better to grab fast soreness relief on line, you can now buy Tramadol with the assist of on-line drug merchants. Now you can purchase tramadol on-line to minimize your pain.

Tramadol represents a person <a href=http://www.teenspot.com/profiles/tramadol12/>tramadol without prescription - teenspot</a> of the best analgesic drug which treats reasonable and serious discomfort. Evening time asthma is rather potentially the most typical kind of asthma. For quite a few people, Tramadol is the remedy to being in a position to live a usual every day daily life. Migraine headache is a situation that influences ladies additional than guys. In an guide revealed in the Journal of Ache, researchers theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle mass ache by blocking the activity of a chemical known as adenosine. At some stage in your talking occupation, you may have to converse at a conference. The modern-day world is complete of tensions and worries an men and women are not able to uncover time for by themselves. To acquire or get Tramadol a single can go to chemist and acquire it. Several men and women suffer from long-term <a href=http://forums.joslin.org/members/tramadol/default.aspx>cheap tramadol - forums</a> and severepain in their everyday living. Do you suffer from restless leg syndrome, also regarded as RLS?

The modern-day environment is full of tensions and worries an folks are not able to uncover time for by themselves. Tramadol plus is a person of the most taken suffering relievers that can be obtained on the web. Now you can obtain tramadol on-line to minimize your soreness. We've heard about all the wonderful rewards when get tramadol on the internet: very best rates, rapid FedEx delivery the following day, and effortless-prescription approval (if any at all). Online Pharmacy is probably entering a new era of price saving measure. When you get tramadol with a cost-free prescription on the internet, it allows in supplying relief from extended discomfort . Now you can buy tramadol on the internet to relieve your suffering. Millions of American live with soreness. What is the most typical illness housewives complain about?
44. анонимен - A person can Tramadol from any of the clinical merchants on the doctor's suggestion.
28.10.2011 15:28
They are heroes in their possess techniques-risked their lives for the state. Lunesta is a recently launched sleeping capsule. Tramadol is applied to decrease reasonable to reasonably severe suffering. Most of the men and women about are rather suspicious about the penis enlargement supplements. Several individuals endure from serious and severepain in their existence. Tramadol is applied to alleviate reasonable to moderately significant pain. We've heard about all the wonderful benefits when get tramadol on the web: greatest rates, fast FedEx delivery the subsequent day, and uncomplicated-prescription approval (if any at all). Tramadol in addition is 1 of the most taken pain relievers that can be acquired on the net. Tramadol pain treatment is very a preferred soreness relief medication that is being employed globally by a lot of customers. On the internet Pharmacy is perhaps coming into a new era of price preserving measure.

You have to permit the medication <a href=http://www.ikarma.com/user/tramadol13/>read more ikarma - online tramadol</a> melt in your mouth before consuming it . A person can Tramadol from any of the health-related merchants on the doctor's advice. Tramadol plus is one of the most accepted soreness relievers that can be obtained online. When you visit the physician, possibilities are you will head to the pharmacy following. For a lot of men and women, Tramadol is the answer to currently being in a position to dwell a usual daily lifestyle. Thousands and thousands of American are living with pain. Just lately even additional warnings have been issued about purchasing painkillers on the net without a prescription or with a prescription. At some position in your speaking career, you may possibly have to converse at a conference. Several people today suffer from long-term and severepain in their lifestyle. Some years back people today went sector to obtain appliances, meals, medicines and and many others.

In an write-up revealed in the Journal of Pain, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle mass ache by blocking the exercise <a href=http://www.earthday.org/user/28076>tramadol saturday delivery online - earthday</a> of a chemical named adenosine. When you take a look at the physician, probabilities are you'll head to the pharmacy upcoming. For several men and women, Tramadol is the response to becoming capable to live a usual everyday lifestyle. To buy or acquire Tramadol one particular can go to chemist and obtain it. A single can Tramadol from any of the medical stores on the doctor's suggestion. Migraine headache is a problem that has an effect on girls far more than guys. Tramadol represents one particular of the finest analgesic drug which treats moderate and persistent suffering. Nowadays there are numerous causes why people today search for to purchase Tramadol online without a prescription. Do you suffer from restless leg syndrome, also identified as RLS? When you visit the medical doctor, odds are you will head to the pharmacy following.

Lunesta is a newly released sleeping pill. Online Pharmacy is certainly coming into a new era of expense saving <a href=http://smaug.got.net/node/390>click here smaug - cheapest tramadol</a> measure. Tramadol is a extremely well-liked soreness relief medication. Tramadol proves to be the finest medication for treating reasonable or serious soreness which takes place in most areas of the entire body these as head, joints and so on. Tramadol suffering medicine is fairly a common suffering relief medication that is staying employed worldwide by many buyers. You can invest in suffering drugs without having prescription and at unbelievably reduced charges so that you can be lured to obtain medicines with no model, no credibility and those businesses absolutely would not be liable if something occurred to you. Stress and other emotional components are considered to perform a key role in low back again discomfort, specially persistent reduced back again pain. Tramadol proves to be the greatest medication for treating reasonable or serious suffering which takes place in most areas of the body this sort of as head, joints and so on. One particular can Tramadol from any of the clinical <a href=http://tramadol-2online.webs.com/tramadol.htm>click here tramadol-2online - online tramadol</a> retailers on the doctor's suggestion. Some decades back people went market to purchase appliances, food, medicines and and so forth.

The physical outcomes of a Tramadol addiction can be severe and they can be extended phrase. In an guide published in the Journal of Discomfort, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle soreness by blocking the exercise of a chemical named adenosine. Some restrictions are relevant to suffering medicines ordered from the internet. Google, the most populated research motor on the World wide web, presents a fantastic promotion instrument termed AdWords. For quite a few folks, Tramadol is the reply to currently being equipped to reside a standard each day life. One particular can Tramadol from any of the health care shops on the doctor's suggestion. Night time time asthma is really possibly the most typical kind of asthma. To buy or acquire Tramadol a single can go to chemist and purchase it. For many men and women, Tramadol is the solution to currently being able <a href=http://www.glowfoto.com/users6/tramadol/index.php>cheapest tramadol - glowfoto</a> to reside a normal every day lifestyle. The bodily results of a Tramadol addiction can be really serious and they can be long phrase.

A whole lot of individuals are now choosing to buy tramadol ultram to decrease their suffering concerns. To invest in or purchase Tramadol one can go to chemist and purchase it. Applied as a pain reliever (particularly immediately after surgical treatment), the FDA approved treatment Tramadol gives a wonderful support for its shoppers. We've heard about all the excellent positive aspects when acquire tramadol on the internet: finest rates, rapid FedEx delivery the adhering to day, and uncomplicated-prescription approval (if any at all). You can invest in discomfort medicines with out prescription and at unbelievably reduced selling prices so that you can be lured to acquire medicines with no brand name, no credibility and people corporations definitely wouldn't be liable if anything took place to you. Employed as a pain reliever (particularly <a href=http://www.ncci-namibia.org/blogs/>ncci-namibia - cheapest tramadol</a> soon after surgical treatment), the FDA accredited treatment Tramadol supplies a great assistance for its consumers. Migraine headache is a issue that influences gals much more than guys. You have to allow the treatment melt in your mouth before consuming it . If youre struggling from serious pains, it really is now far better to get instant pain relief on line, you can now acquire Tramadol with the assist of on-line drug shops. You have to allow the treatment melt in your mouth before consuming it .

To purchase or get Tramadol one can go to chemist and obtain it. When you get tramadol with a free prescription on the net, it allows in delivering relief from prolonged suffering . Tramadol represents a single of the greatest analgesic drug which treats moderate and continual suffering. You can acquire suffering medications without having prescription and at unbelievably decrease costs so that you can be lured to obtain medicines with no brand name, no credibility and all those corporations surely wouldn't be liable if anything occurred <a href=http://totalblacktv.com/myview/uprofile.php?UID=1795>totalblacktv - online tramadol</a> to you. A single can Tramadol from any of the healthcare retailers on the doctor's advice. To obtain or obtain Tramadol a single can go to chemist and get it. A person can Tramadol from any of the health care outlets on the doctor's advice. One can Tramadol from any of the health-related retailers on the doctor's recommendation. Tramadol pain medication is rather a well-known discomfort relief medicine that is getting utilized worldwide by quite a few shoppers. Migraine headache is a problem that has an effect on females far more than males.

When you check out the health practitioner, odds are you'll head to the pharmacy subsequent. When you get tramadol with a cost-free prescription on the web, it assists in delivering relief from prolonged discomfort . In an write-up revealed in the Journal of Pain, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle suffering by blocking the action of a chemical termed adenosine. You can invest in soreness medications with no prescription and at unbelievably reduce selling prices <a href=http://gnulinux.in/user/tramadol>tramadol buy - gnulinux</a> so that you can be lured to purchase medicines with no model, no credibility and all those firms surely wouldn't be liable if anything took place to you. In an report printed in the Journal of Soreness, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle mass pain by blocking the action of a chemical known as adenosine. You can buy discomfort medicines with no prescription and at unbelievably reduce costs so that you can be lured to acquire medicines with no model, no credibility and all those businesses definitely wouldn't be liable if a thing happened to you. For numerous people, Tramadol is the answer to getting capable to dwell a regular each day life. You wake up with the nagging discomfort, problems concentrating and wishing you could just go back again to bed and pull the covers more than your head. A great deal of people are now choosing to get tramadol ultram to decrease their ache difficulties. Tramadol is a very well-liked soreness relief medicine.

The bodily effects of a Tramadol addiction can be significant and they can be long <a href=https://secure.slim-fast.com/members/tramadol/default.aspx>read more secure - online tramadol</a> term. On the web Pharmacy is probably entering a new era of value saving measure. Lunesta is a recently unveiled sleeping tablet. Tramadol is a managed substance in the opiate loved ones that is utilised to handle serious pain conditions. You can acquire suffering medicines without prescription and at unbelievably reduced costs so that you can be lured to buy medicines with no brand, no credibility and all those corporations definitely would not be liable if one thing transpired to you. In an guide published in the Journal of Soreness, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle suffering by blocking the action of a chemical called adenosine. Migraine headache is a issue that impacts ladies additional than males. Tramadol is a controlled substance in the opiate household that is utilized to handle chronic ache circumstances. You can purchase pain medications devoid of prescription and at unbelievably reduce rates so that you can be lured to purchase medicines with no brand name, no credibility and individuals organizations absolutely wouldn't <a href=http://tramadolgo.goboardz.com/forum_topic.asp?ID=19632>tramadol saturday delivery online - tramadolgo</a> be liable if a thing transpired to you. Lunesta is a newly introduced sleeping tablet.

Lately even much more warnings have been issued about purchasing painkillers online with out a prescription or with a prescription. Tramadol represents 1 of the ideal analgesic drug which treats reasonable and persistent discomfort. Millions of American reside with soreness. Managing your drugs can be very time consuming. Tramadol suffering medicine is very a popular soreness relief medication that is becoming used worldwide by numerous buyers. One can Tramadol from any of the healthcare shops on the doctor's suggestion. Night time time asthma is very perhaps the most common form of asthma. To buy Tramadol is the smartest choice to get rid of the constant pain around the neck triggered by pressure soreness. Utilized as a suffering reliever (in particular right after surgery), the FDA approved medication Tramadol provides a wonderful assistance for its shoppers.
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28.10.2011 21:34
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A Utm&#228;rkt Saver paketet inom din budget av som Personal. Det tillh&#246;r Thailand paket tillg&#228;ngliga. I paketet varaktighet &#228;r gjord f&#246;r 4 n&#228;tter och n&#229;gra dagar plus finns till skivor nitton, 500 f&#246;r varje person. Du kan g&#228;ller 2 g&#229;nger var med Bangkok och Pattaya. En &#229;terv&#228;nder inom kurs &#228;r stanna din bekv&#228;mlighet. Du kommer att hamna f&#246;r bara en Isle runt plus en dagtid stad expeditionen &#228;r Konfigurera f&#246;r runt Bangkok. Boende kommer Fr&#229;n f&#246;rknippad med st&#228;llen att bo. L&#228;s lite till om: <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor/boracay>Boracay paketresor</a>.

En annan exceptionell f&#246;r att samt kan den ge. Detta paket &#228;r gjord f&#246;r 5 g&#229;nger och n&#229;gra dagar och priset p&#229; paketet finns till skivor 25, f&#246;r varje person. F&#246;rbered dig till expertis den uppfriskande nattliv med och dessutom inom dess urbana livsstil <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor>paketresor</a> valt livsstil. Du vara 3 eller fler runt Phuket och 2 en kort tid i Bangkok. F&#246;rmodligen en av de b&#228;ttre Thailand kollin, markera av denna kr&#228;ver en 5 stj&#228;rnor boende i Bangkok. Return kommer att vara mycket.

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Dessa typer av inneh&#229;ller frukost varje dag platsbiljetterna bokas och de &#228;r &#228;ven inkluderar flygplats skatter. - En Alcazar visar &#228;r oftast en extra attraktion inom din budget i Pattaya. En Safariutflykt och &#228;ven en Meadow under &#228;r ing&#229; i resv&#228;g. Boende faktiskt f&#246;r om hotell b&#229;de i Bangkok och f&#246;r att generera din vistelse ej mindre bekv&#228;ma.

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50. анонимен - Two Standard Binary Selections Techniques , Commodities Choices Market place
30.10.2011 18:19
Binary Alternatives Basic principles

by binary selections information on September 8, 2011

binary optionsOne of the newest sorts of trading that is obtaining a lot of interest from the fiscal world is binary choices trading. Binary choices are so well known since of its simplicity and its minimal barrier of entry for seasoned and new traders alike. Binary alternatives trading derived its name from the binary or electronic naturel of the trade, these kinds of that the end result of the trade is funds-or-almost nothing. Funds-or-very little in essence means that you get compensated a fastened total of funds if you designed the accurate prediction of the operation of the underlying asset.

A straightforward illustration of this is when you buy a income-or-nothing at all place order of a stock struck at $50 with a binary payoff of $5000. At the maturity date, if the stock trades at or below the striking level of $50, you will get your $5000 payoff. If it trades at over $fifty, you will get nothing at all. Some investing platforms will offer you a modest percentage of rebates even if you produced the mistaken phone.

This predictability can make binary alternatives trading simpler to grasp for some and thought to be safer for the others as all the outcome of a individual trade can be accounted for at the time of trade placement.

One more important distinction concerning binary selections investing and regular trading is that unlike conventional investing, binary solutions traders do not possess the underlying asset of the trade. Binary selections trader is only buying and selling dependent on the operation of the asset in a mounted window of time. For that reason, binary alternatives traders normally do not want the thorough awareness of the underlying asset to make a trade. All they have to have is a feeling of which path the underlying asset is heading to make the trade.

As you do not possess the underlying security but in its place investing dependent on the overall performance of the underlying protection, you are therefore not ready to liquidate or promote your placement at any time like a regular trader. Your actual maturity date, revenue and reduction proportion and strike price is determined on obtaining of the trade choice and won't be able to be altered in any way then soon after.

As a final point, given that a binary selections trader do not have the underlying security compared with a common trader, the profit or loss of a binary possibilities trade does not rely on the magnitude of the motion of the safety, just the general direction of the movement. For instance, if you invest in a hard cash-or-almost nothing contact buy of ABC Corp’s stock struck at $fifty, with a binary payoff of $1000. Now there is a breakthrough in the business and their stock sky-rocketed to $5000 at date of maturity. You will however only obtain your $one thousand as your payoff and for that reason probability of trade is established at point of obtain.
The place can you trade in binary solutions?

Binary options have long been out there about the counter marketed from the issuer to the customer. These are usually only obtainable to the professional trader.

To facilitate the non-specialist traders to get started in binary selections trading, binary selections buying and selling platforms or binary solutions trading web sites were established. These internet based trading arena gives you brief phrase binary solutions with a pre-decided earnings and reduction construction will allow non-skilled traders to get started off buying and selling in binary selections just about quickly.
Benefits of Binary Trade Alternatives

binary optionsBinary selections <a href=http://binaryoptionstradingdest.com>binary forex options</a> buying and selling have a handful of strengths more than the regular trader. A single of the biggest 1 is none other than risk administration. With binary possibilities trading you know and set your chance in advance. Most binary options buying and selling platform also offers a percentage total back again to you even if you reduce. This will ensure that you will by no means shed your whole trade on 1 lousy trade.

The other advantage of binary alternatives trading is that, with some of the a lot more competitive binary choices trading platform, ease of entry. New traders can get started off nearly immediately with very little dollars to get started an account. This is a new alter in comparison to standard investing wherever you will will need to have a deep pocket to even get started in buying and selling.

Lastly, considering that binary possibilities investing is so new, it is not as heavily regulated by the government and as such it is easy to get commenced trading. With the web centered binary alternatives buying and selling platform, everyone with an internet connection can trade in binary solutions. Also, since binary selections trade on a variety of instruments, you can make trades virtually at any time and at any position in the entire world.
Which markets are out there to the Binary Solutions Trader?

Due to the fact binary possibilities buying and selling are trades dependent on the functionality of an underlying safety, you can trade in several markets all-around the world. Some of the markets out there to the binary choices trader consist of but is not limited to:

The Currency Choices Sector

The forex selections market place consists of forex pairs and their relational value to just about every other. Binary possibilities buying and selling platforms have their personal sets of currencies accessible for trading. Currencies can fluctuate erratically at times and it’s greatest traded involving big planet economic activities.

The Index Solutions Industry

The index current market is based mostly on the valuation of a team of stock, and as this sort of, improvements in a solitary stock will not affect an index as considerably as it affects the personal stock. Indexes are consequently additional secure and have for a longer time pattern lines in contrast to an particular person stock. Some examples of famed indices are the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Index, Nasdaq and the Hang Seng Index.

Stock Choices Sector

The stock alternatives current market is traded based on stock certificates issued by businesses. Some examples include things like GOOGLE, YAHOO and MICROSOFT. They are mainly affected by the simple company’s economic and economical overall performance and are thus greatest traded just after major earnings report from the particular company.

Commodities Possibilities Sector

The commodities selections current market is based mostly off the future price tag of commodities this kind of as coconut, cocoa, gold and silver. Long term options price of commodities are really considerably impacted by regional news of the distinct commodity. As an instance, information of a significant flood hitting an region of major cocoa manufacturing will have an affect on the long term costs of cocoa immediately.

Just about every binary solutions trader has a favourite marketplace to trade, and as very long as you do your because of diligence and analysis your current market extensively, every industry can be profitable.
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01.11.2011 23:27
Turkiet kan vara en omr&#229;de nation. Flera av attraktioner n&#228;ra Thailand. Detta land hela n&#229;gon resen&#228;rens alla p&#229; listan platser! Bangkok, Phuket och och skulle vara viktigast f&#246;rknippad med Thailand paketresor. Det finns flera Arbetstagare ett stort antal sp&#228;nnande Thailand paketresor. Alla har en mycket diskutera om dessa, oavsett om det kostnaden eller den &#229;tg&#228;rder <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor/cebu>Cebu paketresor</a> ? Detta f&#246;ljande inkludera samband med redo att k&#246;pa av en popul&#228;r &#228;gare. Du kan g&#246;ra fr&#229;n alla dessa olika paket som beskrivs av krav och tendenser. Detta g&#246;r att paketresor vore s&#229; bra.

A Extremt Saver paketet p&#229; erbjudande av den s&#228;rskilda Personal. Det &#228;r en av de Thailand paket allm&#228;nt tillg&#228;nglig. I paketet varaktighet &#228;r gjord f&#246;r timmar och 5 dagar och priset g&#229;r upp till skivor 19, 500 f&#246;r varje person. Du ska f&#229; lov stanna f&#246;r 2 timmar var fr&#229;n och Pattaya. En &#229;terv&#228;nder inne Kategori &#228;r vara f&#246;r bekv&#228;mlighet. Du kan tagit en Omr&#229;de in och &#228;ven en Tid stad expeditionen &#228;r Konfigurera f&#246;r inom Bangkok. Boende kommer medan i med loger. Mer f&#246;r: <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor/koh-lanta>Koh Lanta</a>.

En annan Special f&#246;r att tillsammans med Phuket &#228;r ocks&#229; den erbjuda. Detta paket &#228;r perfekt f&#246;r 5 natten och 6: e dagar och bekostnad av paketet h&#228;nder till skivor 35, f&#246;r varje person. F&#246;rbered till erfarenhet den uppfriskande nattliv om plus hela dess urbana livsstil <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor>paketresa</a> kost och livsstil. Du kommer att vara 3 eller fler n&#228;tter i tillsammans med 2 natten i Bangkok. F&#246;rmodligen den mest effektiva Thailand kollin, markera av denna en 5 k&#228;ndis in Bangkok. Kom tillbaka brukar mycket.

Thailand samt landets magi blir f&#246;r din andra paketet Det &#228;r f&#246;rvisso levereras. Detta paket varaktighet kan vara f&#246;r timmar och 5 dagar. Det nu erbjuder kundanpassade Thailand paket d&#228;r du kan hitta f&#246;r att v&#228;lja din egen <a href=http://jade.se/paketresor/boracay>Boracay resor</a> f&#246;r turn&#233;n.

Alla dessa inf&#246;rliva frukost varje dag &#229;terv&#228;nda biljetter bokas och inklusive skattesystemen. =) En Alcazar visar &#228;r en extra attraktion erbjuds i Pattaya. En Safariutflykt samt en Parkera bilen fr&#229;n kan finns i resv&#228;g. Boende &#228;r definitivt med om i tillsammans med producera din vistelse trevliga.

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54. анонимен - Income is very considerably necessary as it fulfills our simple requirements as well as our demands
02.11.2011 13:27
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03.11.2011 05:12
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08.11.2011 17:54
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82. анонимен - Tramadol is used to relieve moderate to moderately serious suffering.
15.11.2011 16:06
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15.11.2011 17:00
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The lead to of fibromyalgia (FM) is unidentified but theories pointing toward abnormal hypothalamic pituitary axis perform or dysfunction of neurotransmitter pathways in the mind are at this time preferred. In these additional contemporary days of sexual equality, it might not be politically appropriate to discuss about differences in between adult men and females. If you are one of the many men and women all-around the nation suffering from chronic suffering, you may be considering a new discomfort [url=http://www.gokut.com/tramadol11/]cheap tramadol - gokut[/url] medicine to assist offer with it. Tramadol, also sold beneath brand name names Ultram and Ultram ER, is a drug agony reliever used in the therapy of moderate to extreme discomfort The extended-release version is used to deal with protracted suffering that needs 24 hour preservation. If you are dealing with significant soreness then using the greatest soreness medicine is the best choice. Prostate pain is induced by the irritation of the prostate gland, which is an exocrine gland of the male reproductive process. 1 can Tramadol from any of the clinical shops on the doctor's suggestion. What is peripheral neuropathy? Puppy arthritis is a crippling illness that attacks the cartilage in the joints. Nevertheless reasonably uncommon, a mind tumor has often manufactured a grim prognosis for unlucky animal that is diagnosed with one particular.

Get Tramadol from a very good chemist or a good supplier. Melena is the variety a single trigger of puppy wellbeing difficulties bloody stool problems. Are you a person of individuals couples who are desperately making an attempt to have a little one [url=http://www.ikarma.com/user/tramadol13/]cheapest tramadol - ikarma[/url] but have generally failed miserably so? Seeing blood in canine urine is a horrible sight to say the minimum. Hundreds of thousands of American stay with soreness. When you get tramadol with a no cost prescription on-line, it allows in delivering relief from extended suffering . Lately even far more warnings have been issued about purchasing painkillers on-line devoid of a prescription or with a prescription. We encounter soreness for broad variety of scenarios. When you get tramadol with a totally free prescription on the web, it will help in offering relief from prolonged soreness . You have to permit the medicine melt in your mouth ahead of consuming it .

How quite a few instances has it not took place that we suffer from that unbearable back-pain or that horrible toothache but decide to just permit it be? What is the most widespread illness housewives complain about? Hundreds of thousands of American stay with soreness. Tramadol (TRA-ma-dole) is applied to minimize soreness, like suffering after surgical procedure. Educating your dog to trip in your auto is not quite tough [url=http://ivoh.org/users/tramadol24]tramadol saturday delivery online - ivoh[/url] to do in most situations. Controlling your medications can be really time consuming. If you are in any form of discomfort and can't go out to the chemist's, then ordering tramadol on the web is a good option. If you are struggling some excessive back again discomfort, search no more and get Tramadol proper now and say goodbye to the suffering forever. Tramadol is a drug which is generally recommended by health professionals when the patients knowledge any variety of discomfort in their human body due to various good reasons. If you are struggling with serious ache then employing the ideal discomfort treatment is the greatest solution.

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My favorite one is when we can see [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1686-hayley-marie-norman-nude/&tab=aboutme]hayley marie norman nude[/url] on the beach. Of course she wears some clothes but that would be only some kind of fishing net wrapped around her waist just to cover her shaved pussy. How did I know it was shaved you might ask? Well, maybe because that net is not an obstacle to see through. But the greatest part of that picture is that you can actually see her big and elastic tits. I don't need anything but them, honestly. Also, I am very pleased to masturbate on her open belly sometimes as I find it quite sexy and athletic. Too bad that her hairs cover those nice nipples that I can't see on this photo.

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"People always say something like "This bloody bitch gets that job in Playboy because of what she looks like." Well, this I that kind of business, what can I tell you? Either you're hot or not. Those people that jealous are always ugly and not attractive. But when any director or some employer sees [url=http://michellelombard.insanejournal.com]michelle lombardo naked[/url] in her portfolio for example, then you might way the job is in her pocket already. Yep, you don't need to be smart, educated or else if you want to pose for a Playboy or shooting in movies. All you have to do is be sexy and stay sexy for a long time. Only this way you can get yourself a job and then keep it. I would advise her to get those stupid sayings in her address like a compliment or motivation. She should become sexier from year to year.

Oh, [url=http://lucylawlesshot1.typepad.com]lucy lawless hot[/url], honey, what are you doing with me? You are so hot that I am losing control on my mind. Honestly, those girls my age doesn't seem to be any attractive anymore because I think I have watched too much her naked photos. But seriously, you are ten times better that any woman I have ever met in reality. Well, maybe except for Angelina Jolie however I didn't met her yet.

Somebody was searching for [url=http://avrillavignenak.insanejournal.com]avril lavigne naked photos[/url], right? Well, you can stop doing it right now.

I gave myself a word that this is going to be my last review about [url=http://gilliettebus.livejournal.com]crystal harris playboy pics[/url] as there are plenty already all across the web. You probably saw them and I am sure you liked all those pics you saw, huh? To be honest, when I am searching or getting her naked photos by email I can't control myself. So, instead of uploading them right on my websites I'm just jerking off first and then they're good to go. It is sort of quality control, you know what I'm saying. If I cumm like in two minutes that means those pictures are pretty stimulating but if it takes like from five minutes and higher then I don't put that kind of shots. I want my visitors to do masturbation as fast as possible because when you're cumming quick that means you get a lot more pleasure. Boys, back me up here.

I got this nice photo where you can almost get a perfect view on [url=http://petieamaba.livejournal.com]jennifer aniston desnuda[/url] and I said "almost" because she has these ropes around her waist that covers her pussy and something that is called a bra on her boobs however I wouldn't call it like that because it has way too little material.

The fact that she is exposing in someone's apartment is turning me on because I am imagining like this is my place. By the way those blankets seem to be pretty familiar. I think I have the same on my balcony. Let me just check that alright?

Hey brothers and sister. I am happy to announce that we got here some [url=http://dorismardesnuda.typepad.com]dorismar desnuda[/url] so if you do care about it then I am waiting for ya'll.

You know, I didn't thought I was pretty jealous especially when it comes to my favorite celebrities. For example, when I knew that Fergie is pregnant I was so mad at her husband that I was even ready to kill him. Of course that's just an exaggeration and I've said that just to spice things up you know. But it really hurt me when news papers were writing about it however I am happy for Stacy although they're ain't my kids. Anyway, the same thing I have with [url=http://pamelaandersonnaked.typepad.com]pamela anderson naked[/url] because there is this photo that I saw today and let me tell you about it.

She is having a rest on a beach and looks so happy. I can't forget those sparkly bikinis she was wearing. Oh boy, they were underlining her sexy curvy forms almost perfect and how come you never saw this one, I am surprised. Just look at [url=http://mcclaryuro.livejournal.com]demi lovato porn[/url] and I have to say they're so damn big that not every bikini swim suit will handle them. I bet she orders some very solid and quality material so that those babies didn't popped open and flashed all the paparazzi around. Those ropes that handle this bra are probably made of steel or something... just kidding though.

Anyhow, the ugliest part of this picture is that there is some dude who stands behind her and touches her shoulders. She smiles and they're probably happy together. Man, I wish he was just her brother.

Wow, just look at this website... Don't you just love its main theme? That's right, you will find here as many [url=http://catherinebellnude.tumblr.com]catherine bell nude[/url] as possible and thus you can masturbate on them even now. But if it is possible, save you passion till the end and only after I finish you could do that. Of course this is not a mandatory, however I insist on that. Anyway, let's start our review about his hot celebrity.

Why don't we talk about her private parts in details? Sound like some not bad idea at all. Let's start from the top. I love the way she dyes her hair and brunettes are ten times sexier than blonds.

When I see [url=http://aprilscottnude.typepad.com]april scott nude[/url] my breath holds like for ten seconds and my heartbeat starts to increase fast. This is all because of her boobs as they are surely the first thing that I look at when I stare at her naked picture. A lot of people will tell you that they think her breast is fake one and she has done at least one plastic surgery so far. But I don't care about this fact although I'm against plastic surgeries in general. It is just in her case we can see a perfect result and even if this is a doctor's work, I am very fond of that result. It looks good and everybody likes that.

You should watch Three movie featuring a few scenes of [url=http://amandaseyfriedtopless.typepad.com]amanda seyfried topless[/url] on the beach. In first scene, she is just walking in water and you can see her tits along with ass too. There is a one nice view right there. The other scene is happening on the beach too and now we can see her lying in sand with some lucky guy and they are kissing and hugging each other. Then they start having sex and you just have to see that.

The third scene also features sex act but this time she is with a completely other man. I haven't watched that movie but I am willing to do that right after this review ends.

Would you like to get one precious advice from [url=http://carlingysuky.livejournal.com]kristen stewart hot[/url]? This is about being in shape and taking care of your health. Plus, it is a bit horny so you might be excited after that. "Sex keeps me fit and healthy. What can be better than that?" Well, I don't know what I should do right now. Should I contact her and offer her another lesson of sex? I would do anything to have [url=http://johncenasex.typepad.com]john cena sex[/url] in my bed.

If she compares sex to exercising then I am ready to be her daily coach on it. She will be in the best form ever, but first she will have to sweat a bit with me. I hope you know what I am saying, right? I suggest you to follow her advice and to start doing that regular too however there is no guarantee that doing only this you will lose weight. Don't stop sweating in gym too as this will only increase a process of becoming shapely and sexy. Find yourself a partner that would make love with you at least two times per day if you don't have a boyfriend or a husband. Or you can always rely on me. Leave your comments here and I will help you with that.

Right now here comes the other quote by her that answers the question if women in 50's were looking sexier than now. "Women were so much sexier in 50's. This is what I aspire to look like." I don't know what makes her think that way but when I saw [url=http://jagoile.livejournal.com]brittany murphy nude[/url] where she wore a makeup from 50's she was looking damn hot. But the problem is, that I haven't found any woman that could be compared with her. I say, back in those days, there were no such women like her and the word "beauty" meant something different. You didn't have to get nude so that people would be crazy about you. Since that time a lot of things have changed and the world is not the same already.

I hope you have enjoyed all those fancy pictures of that woman because this was very hard to make happen for you. Those that haven't masturbated yet can do that right now and the rest can get out of here. Just kidding, don't be so serious.
86. анонимен - порно секс эротика
16.11.2011 18:05
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17.11.2011 12:53
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88. анонимен - First naked celeb u remember seeing
17.11.2011 14:49
Those people that haven't seen [url=http://rashidajonesnipplenp.tumblr.com]rashida jones nipple[/url] will be quite surprised with such photos like that I have prepared.

She was born in Florida and I have to say that you can see that by her tan. Oh yeah, she has beautiful skin even now at the age of 38. You probably didn't know she is that many, right? Have a look at [url=http://vidyabalanbreastdk.tumblr.com]vidya balan breast[/url] and you will be amazed even more. Do you know why? Well, in my own opinion I would say this is all thanks to her healthy lifestyle and exercising every single day. Sounds kind of easy but when you start doing the same I am sure that half of you will step back from that and continue to live unhealthy life. Tough choice, but you have to make a decision quick as life is pretty shorter than you think.

I have one photo of her that differs from the rest as she is so hot on it that when I was masturbating on it, it took me only one minute to cumm the whole screen. I am talking about that kind of pic where she is underwater in her bikinis and she smiles to the camera. You can see there he nipples through her shirt and some nice shots on her gorgeous ass too.

Well boys and girls that was nice I think and some of you might even masturbate on them, right? Oh, yeah, girls also like [url=http://courtneylovenuderl.tumblr.com]courtney love nude[/url] as she is very popular among lesbians as well.

First I saw [url=http://charlizetheronnudehd.tumblr.com]charlize theron nude[/url] was in Watchmen, however she was stripping out in a lot of different movies as well.

Man I think you should know that this review about [url=http://rhonamitranudezk.tumblr.com]rhona mitra nude[/url] was prepared by sick me. No, not mentally, although I think I have some headache. The point is that I have an incredible pain in my tooth and the dentist that I go to is not working today. Damn, what a bad situation there. I have tried some painkillers in the morning but that was lame you know as it helped me only on about five minutes or something. Then I thought "I can't let my readers down because they have got to see [url=http://tyrabanksnakedai.tumblr.com]tyra banks naked[/url] as I promised I'll do that for them. So this is why, I went on my balcony and opened my safety closet where I hide some weed on a bad day. Well, today is pretty bad I said to myself and that's why I lighted it up. Man, the pain has gone in about one minute and while I was smoking that stuff I barely forgot what I should do. Anyway, thanks to that joint you can see this post and a lot of her nice pictures from Watchmen and some other movies where she has flashed us with either her tits or ass which is also not bad at all.

Ok, let's say goodbye to each other and I guess I'll see all of you back here together on Sunday or something. If you liked this website pretty much then why don't you put it in your bookmarks?

She is not old at all as 38 is just a number. I mean who cares about the age when it comes to watching [url=http://meganfoxnudepicswh.tumblr.com]megan fox nude pics[/url] and stuff like that? By the way, this is exactly what I offer you today.

Now you just have to listen to me as I won't repeat twice. This photo of her that I am willing to tell you about will blow your head and penis off. If you want to masturbate on it then please think about it as you may cumm all yours computer table and monitor as well. Yep, that's how hot she is on that picture and let's say you agreed to do that.

She is standing in the middle of nowhere that looks like a desert or something to me. Do you know what she is wearing there? Absolutely nothing, except for that fishing net which she holds to cover her goodies and pussy too… But I have to say we still can see her right boob nipple and I can bet this was made on purpose. Yeah, that's right, you can zoom that picture in and then you will see what I am talking about.

Man, she has the most amazing body I have ever seen. For her age this is pretty nice looking woman that looks younger and sexier than a lot of female celebrities I know and that are under 35. You should definitely see [url=http://meganfoxsexyga.tumblr.com]megan fox sexy[/url] and wearing absolutely nothing as only that way you can see her body and enjoy by that. By the way I hope you have done with your masturbation during my review.

If you can't believe that those pictures of [url=http://emmastonenakedoc.tumblr.com]emma stone naked[/url] are real then I don't blame you. Let's start the show with this quote by her anyway.

"I really love pouring myself into a character for several months and leaving her, ... Pouring myself into someone for a long time is very intimidating to me."- says [url=http://amberheardhotdc.tumblr.com]amber heard hot[/url]. She says that she loves to live her character's life and this is pretty easy to understand as her life is probably pretty boring. Just kidding by the way… How come a life of an actor or actress can be boring? That's impossible I guess.

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The other movies are as followed: Sin City with her naked appearance and couple of other scenes where you will see her bare big boobs, Judas Kiss featuring some love scene of her and some other guy. In that one there can be noticed that she exposes her ass right in the camera so don't miss that as well.

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And that my friends, is what I call the end.
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110. анонимен - Are Ugg Boots Worth The Money?
03.12.2011 13:33
Are Ugg Boots Worth The Money?

In Australia, the word "Ugg" means "Boot". Ever since the '60's, Ugg boots have been in use by Australian surfers for warmth after getting out of cold water. When Ugg Boots migrated to California (along with the surfers), the surfing community there also embraced the thermostatic boots (they keep you warm when it's cold, while whisking away any moisture when it's hot). Now Ugg Classic Boots are coveted by everyone, not just surfers - they're the trendiest boots around.

Everyone that's bought [url=http://www.cheapuggbootssaleukonline.com]ugg uk[/url] boots will tell you to buy them early, since they always run short in supply by the time the cold hits in December. At that time, you will probably be looking at your 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th choice, - if you can even find it in the size you wear. The reason being is that Ugg has strict control over the amount that they distribute, so that they can maintain a high demand.

Where can I find Ugg Classic Boots?This season's most popular Ugg Boot is the Bailey Button Triplet Bomber. These boots will fly off the shelves once the first snowflake of the year hit the ground. We have talked with dozens of retailers about how popular Ugg Boots are.

This online store that I recommend carries Ugg classic boots in all sizes - and the best thing is, they offer free shipping. They will pay for the shipping if you want to return them, and they have the best prices you'll find online. They also have a lifetime return policy and GUARANTEED lowest price. To visit the site, just click on the link below. With a better return policy than the manufacturer's retail site, which has only a 30-day return policy, we highly recommend them.

Exclusive Special Pre-Season Sale On Ugg BootsFor a very limited time, save $20 on any Ugg Boots order over $100. This is an exclusive Ugg Boots pre-season sale we've arranged with our top footwear retailer. The sale can end at anytime, without notice. Only available for online order through the link(s) below.

The Different kinds of [url=http://www.cheapuggbootssaleukonline.com/ugg-women/ugg-bailey-button-triplet.html]ugg bailey button triplet[/url] Ugg BootsThere are various styles when it comes to Ugg Boots. Perhaps the most favored Ugg boot is the traditional Classic Ugg Boot. They are available in short and tall sizes. The classic boot is made from of sheepskin, and it also comes in various colors. The sole is made of EVA - a gum rubber sole which cushions your foot when you walk.

The family of Classic Collection boots is made up of Classic Talls, the new Bailey Button (which has a cute button and wider opening), and the Classic Short Boots. The Bailey Button and new Bailey Button Triplet are expected to be the hottest sellers this fall.

How to care for your Ugg Classic Boots Since Ugg Classic Boots are constructed from Sheepskin (with the exception of the Knit Line), they should be taken care of gently. Ugg recommends the use of an Authentic UGG water-based Australian Sheepskin Care Kit as well as a stain repellent. DON'T USE Silicone, since this will make the boot's leather unbreathable. With the use of a water-based waterproofing kit as well as a stain repellant, you can make sure that your Ugg boots are able to breathe, while keeping your feet cool or warm (as needed). When you clean them, make sure that you use a water-based footwear cleaning gel on a monthly basis. You can also purchase the Ugg Care Kit, which is recommended by many Ugg boot owners as well as by Ugg from our recommended retailer.

Classic Authentic Knit Cardy UGG Boots for Women are a new line of Ugg Boots which were introduced as "the Knit Boots". They are really fun - and insanely comfortable. The Knit Boot line is made up of the Classic Cardy, Classic Argyle Knit, Classic Tall Stripe Cable Knit, and Classic Argyle Knit. These boots, however, aren't meant to be worn in the snow, because of their knitted sweater-like material.

I just love it when I'm wearing mine, though. They feel really good, as if they were hugging my feet. They're very comfortable to walk in, and they're perfect to wear indoors, outdoors during the fall when it's nice, and for short trips during the winter.

There are also authentic Ugg Boots for men. The men's boots are made up of three main lines of Ugg Boots. The Classic Line for men is similar to the classic Ugg Boots for women that we described earlier.

They are Ugg's top online retailer, and have the best selection of Authentic Ugg Boots. They carry Ugg Boots that other retails have run out of stock on. And they have the best prices. If you see any style that is currently on back order, buy it now and it will be shipped as soon as it is available - otherwise you run the risk of missing out.

They are one of the first online shoe retailers (since 1996), and this family-owned specialty shoe retailer has been in business for decades - and has eight physical store locations. They do a good job of creating a local boutique feel to their website and the way they conduct their online business. It is a refreshing change from the mega-online retailers. It's not a big box store - you're truly supporting a successful family-owned business.

Note: The new Uggs are in. They won't be available with this pre-season special discount much longer. Shop now now before the rush.

Only Buy Ugg Classic Boots from Authorized DealersUgg is an insanely popular brand. That is why many online retailers sell knock-off and "look-a-like" versions of the famous Ugg Boots and selling them at incredibly low prices. It has become a big problem for Ugg. These cheap "look-a-like" boots are made with synthetic materials (which will make you feet sweat), or are poorly constructed and fall apart after one season of wear.

Ugg Australia requires that all authorized dealers keep price integrity. So if you see a deal that seems too good to be true, in this case it probably is. Ugg boots do cost more, but they are of much higher quality. Don't wear knock-offs or cheap imitations. Ugg Boots still turn heads. And like it or not, the heads that turn are looking to see if you are wearing Authentic Ugg Boots.

Ugg Boot Sizing for ComfortWhen buying Knit and Classic Boots, it is recommended that you purchase your boots a half to a full size smaller than that of your normal shoe size. They may feel a bit snug, but the boots will stretch out. Ugg Class Boots come in whole sizes only, while Ugg Fashion Boots come in whole and half sizes.

Ugg Classic Boots are supposed to be worn barefoot. This will ensure that the fleece cushioning in your boots will mold to the shape of your foot, thus giving you extra support. In addition to the above, going barefoot will also allow the wool's natural properties to take effect as they wick away any moisture when your feet are hot, and they warm your feet when it's cold. Ugg notes that the wool will only keep your feet cool up to 80F and your feet warm at temperatures of -30F.

If you prefer to wear socks however, it's advised that you wear high quality sock such as Goodhew or Marcmarcs. These types of socks act in a similar manner as the wool in your boots, warming your feet and wicking away any moisture.

The Online Retailer we mentioned earlier which We Recommend for buying Ugg Classic Boots is authorized by Ugg Australia. They offer a huge selection - in all styles and all sizes. They also offer a lifetime return policy for all unworn Ugg boots, and they offer the lowest price guaranteed (meaning they'll match the price of other authorized dealers if it's lower than theirs). You can have your Ugg Classic Boots on your feet in just a few days. Just click the link below to go to their online store...

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Sheepskin footwear has long been well-known in the rural locations of Australia, and its recognition improved as the solution was discovered by surfers and other folks.Shortly UGG Australia Boots ended up viewed all above the U.Jessica Simpson, Kate Hudson, Cameron Diaz, just to name a number of.</p><p>S.UGG Australia has popularized sheepskin boots, slippers, and footwear and now distributes the item throughout the world. and impressed California surfers.Each year, new enjoyable styles are introduced..Even Oprah Winfrey has liked the style assertion-Oprah highlighted the UGG Australia boot 3 moments on her displays and the resulting coverage (and her high view of them) is a single on the a lot of motives for the boot's elevated popularity.The boots attained some notoriety in the course with the earth wars when pilots searched for footwear that was warm and cozy on their cold flights in higher altitude. 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04.02.2012 08:47
I have just found out that my wife has been cheating on me for at least 16 months. She suspects that i know something, but I have not confronted her yet. The reasons i am hesitant to confront her vary from financial to depending how angry and depressed i am, plotting my revenge. The question I have and why i am turning to you is that I am not really in any condition to be making life decisions right now. I would like some level headed advice as to what to do.
My wife has a second cell phone in which it is plainly obvious that the person she is texting, she is Being Intimate with. She comes home after work, I work 2nd shift at a local prison,, she meets him at our house. I know this because i put in hidden cameras. I have been saving this footage for over a year.
I know that most of these posts are about should i forgive my wife for cheating. I say do so at your own peril. I say forgiving your wife is the risky decision. I say this because I have forgiven my wife the last time she cheated on me and that decision has landed me here, again. Last time my daughter was 12 years old when it happened and now she almost 17. Her well being was part of my decision to forgive my wife the first time, however I beleive that she is old enough now to handle Mom and Dad divorcing. At least understand it better. I have uploaded the vedios to a couple sites please check them out and tell me if i should leave them for her to find maybe spread them FURTHER
here are the sites <a href=”http://bit.ly/wEbBwH”>imlive.com</a>, <a href=”http://bit.ly/AsB8AZ”>imlive.com</a>, <a href=”http://bit.ly/wOeECl”>imlive.com mobile</a>, <a href=”http://bit.ly/z33mH1”>sexier.com</a>, <a href=”http://bit.ly/yM10Zo”>sexier.com mobile</a>
I Was also thinking of selling it to this place <a href=”http://bit.ly/A4wYqr”>adult toy and vedio store</a> , my sister works there, and says the owner would love to hve them!!! <a href=”http://bit.ly/A4wYqr”>adult toy and vedio store</a>
PLEASE Please someone respond to my post. I am in dire need of advice. I am not thinking straight. [IMG]https://how-do-i-lose-weight.net/cookies/35/a/reading.gif[/IMG] [IMG]https://how-do-i-lose-weight.net/cookies/36/a/reading.gif[/IMG]

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